Professional Organizations
1995-present American Psychiatric Association, Distinguished Fellow
1997-present San Diego Psychiatric Society, member
2005-present International Society for ECT and Neuro stimulation, member
(formerly the Association for Convulsive Therapy)
2013-present Clinical TMS Society, Charter member
1993-1997 American Medical Student Association, member
1990-1993 American Indian Science and Engineering Society, member
2012-current Advisory Board, Chesed Home, A Project of Hope Village San Diego
2001-current Psychiatric Supervisory Committee, Grossmont Hospital
2002-current Emergency Medicine Supervisory Committee, Grossmont
2005-current Physician Advisory Committee, Grossmont Hospital
2008-2010 Peer Review Committee, Sharp-Mesa Vista
2006-2008 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Sharp-Mesa Vista
2006-2008 Safe Medication Practices, Sharp-Mesa Vista
2002-2006 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, Grossmont Hospital
1997-2001 Resident Representative, Graduate Education Committee, UCSD
1995-1997 School of Medicine Class Co-President, UC Davis
1993-1995 Library Representative, School of Medicine Class of 1997
1994 Co-Editor, Orientation Manual for incoming medical students